Product Quality Report List(Voluntarily provided)

The Green Tableware Platform is established with the aims of providing the trade with information on alternatives that meet the requirements of non-plastic materials of the new regulation on disposable plastic products, with a view to assisting the trade in the early transition to more environmental-friendly non-plastic tableware.

Recognizing concerns about the quality of non-plastic tableware among both trade and the public, the secretariat of the Platform has invited the enrolled suppliers to voluntarily submit certificates or documents related to the quality of their enrolled products and listed the information in the table below for ease of perusal.

Relevant certificates or documents include testing reports, certificates or documents issued by local or international accredited laboratories, inspection bodies or certification bodies, concerning (i) performance (e.g. heat resistance, water resistance, oil resistance, stiffness/weight bearing etc.) or (ii) tableware hygiene (e.g. safety of food contact, or other chemical substance testing etc.). Any enrolled supplier who wishes to submit the relevant certificates or documents is welcome to contact the Platform’s secretariat.

Showing number of item(s) Current Page
  Product Registration Number Product Name Supplier Type of Tableware Material Dimensions Capacity (mL) Product Quality Reports and Documents submitted by Suppliers Voluntarily
Performance Hygiene of Tableware
Relevant Testing Standards / Documents Relevant Tests Relevant Testing Standards / Documents Relevant Tests
Heat resistance Water resistance Oil resistance Stiffness / Weight Bearing Others (please specify) Food contact Other chemical substance testing (please specify)

[ProductRegCode] [Name] [CompanyName] [TablewareType] [MaterialType] [Size] [Volume] [PQRPReport] [Heat] [Water] [Oil] [Stiffness] [PQRPOther] [PQRHReport] [FoodContact] [PQRHOther]